Don Herring North Mitsubishi

Mar 30, 2023

Whether you’re a long-time Plano resident or a newcomer, you’ve likely noticed the hectic traffic in the area. Here are a few tips for staying safe and reducing your commute in Plano traffic:

2023 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV

Stick to Neighborhoods

Highway 75 in Plano regularly has congested traffic on both northbound and southbound routes. Luckily, a few parallel streets in nearby neighborhoods allow you to avoid heavy highway traffic with accident-related slowdowns. Practice taking your route through side streets, such as K Avenue, Alma Drive, or Custer Road, to see how much time you save.

Know Your Lane

Texas drivers are known for being intense and impatient, and many residents of Plano note that speeding and weaving in between lanes is common. Knowing the best lane for your driving habits can help you avoid people swerving in front of you to get ahead in traffic. Many people drive over the speed limit in this area, so stay in the right lanes to avoid getting cut off by anxious, speedy drivers. Some studies show that changing lanes puts you at additional risk for accidents and doesn’t actually get you to your destination faster, so it’s best to pick a lane and ride it out.

As you explore Plano, you’ll get more comfortable with the nuances of area traffic and discover the best shortcuts for your most common routes. If you’re looking for a reliable vehicle to take around town, head down to Don Herring North Mistubishi Plano.