Don Herring North Mitsubishi

Feb 20, 2023
2023 Mitsubishi Mirage

As much as you love your car, truck, or SUV, one thing you don’t like is having to spend your hard-earned money on gas. Here are two tips for getting the most miles out of a tank of gas.

  1. Slow Down

The faster you drive, the more fuel your car burns because the engine is working harder, and speeding up causes greater tire rolling resistance and air resistance. Typically, a vehicle’s fuel economy starts to drop at speeds above 50 mph. Reducing your speed can increase your car’s fuel economy by 7% to 14%. If you have a bad habit of speeding, you might want to utilize your vehicle’s cruise control, which can control your car’s speed for you. Using cruise control also keeps your car at a consistent speed, which is important because frequent acceleration and deceleration can also waste fuel.

  1. Plan Your Route

Corners, curves, and lane jumping require your vehicle to use extra gas. In some cases, it’s possible to avoid these obstacles and maneuvers by planning your route for the day. If your vehicle features an infotainment system, you can use the navigation app to map out your destination, and it will show you the shortest and usually the most efficient way to get there. Mapping out your route is especially helpful when you have multiple stops to make because it can help you avoid backtracking and driving extra mileage.

Hopefully, you’ll find these tips to be helpful. The less time you spend at the fuel pump, the more time you’ll have to enjoy your journey.